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Sveaverken Alva: Precision Lawn Care for the Modern Homeowner

For homeowners looking to enter the world of robotic lawn mowers without breaking the bank, the Sveaverken Alva offers an intelligent solution that punches above its weight class. This starter mower combines RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) positioning with an advanced vision sensor, creating a robust navigation system that adapts to challenging lawn environments.

Beyond Basic Automation: Alva's Smart Navigation

The Alva isn't just another robotic lawn mower—it's a sophisticated lawn care companion that combines two powerful navigation technologies: RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) positioning and a vision sensor. How Alva's dual-sensor technology works?

  • RTK Precision: Provides centimeter-level accuracy using satellite signals
  • Vision Sensor: Steps in where RTK signals might be weak or unstable
  • Adaptive Navigation: Seamlessly switches between RTK and vision-based positioning

Challenges Solved

Most RTK-based mowers struggle in complex landscapes, but Alva is different. Its vision sensor acts as a critical backup and enhancement to satellite positioning. That's the reason why Alva can manage challenging scenarios like: 

  • Under Tree Canopies: Vision sensor guides the mower when satellite signals are blocked
  • Near Buildings: Maintain precise navigation in GPS-challenging areas
  • Complex Landscapes: Intelligent sensor fusion ensures consistent performance

How Alva's Dual-Sensor Technology Works

RTK: Precision Down to the Centimeter

Most robotic mowers guess their location or rely on wires to mark boundaries. The Alva knows exactly where it is, thanks to RTK technology that provides: 

  • Centimeter-level positioning accuracy
  • Precise lawn mapping
  • Virtual boundary creation without physical perimeter wires

Vision Sensor: Intelligence Where Satellites Can't Reach

What sets the Alva apart is its intelligent vision system. When satellite signals falter, the mower's vision sensor takes over:

  • Navigate under tree canopies
  • Maintain accurate positioning near buildings
  • Detect and avoid obstacles with precision

Designed for Real-World Lawns

Alva isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. It's engineered for:

  • Small to medium-sized residential lawns
  • Yards with moderate complexity - this means some obstacles like trampolines, swingsets, or flowerbeds.
  • Homeowners seeking smart, efficient lawn maintenance
  • Budget-conscious tech enthusiasts

Technical Specifications

  • Mowing capacity: Up to 2000m² (0.25 acres) per day
  • Battery life: Around 90 minutes per charge 
  • Cutting height: Standard: 10-50 mm (0.4-2 in); High-cut version: 40-80 mm (1.6-3.2 in)
  • Slope Capability: Up to 33° (65%) inclines
  • Cutting Width: 255 mm (10 in)
  • Blade System: 6 razor blades for clean, healthy cuts

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