Sveaverken Marketing Projects Completion Reports
Dear Sveaverken Channel Partner,
Welcome to our results form. Here you will submit the results for the pre-approved (Events & Advertising) and Content (Videos, Webinars, Articles) projects.
One marketing project result can be submitted at once. If you have more than one project to submit, you can submit one by one as needed. For Roadshows, Workshops, and Training, please submit one project result per each project type including the results of all individual events of that type.
Attach the following supporting documents to each marketing project:
For Events
-Event Photos (Booth or Layout)
For Advertising
-Advertising Creatives (Display Ads, link to promoted posts or sponsored content)
-Digital Ads System Backend Screenshot (Targeting Strategy, Spend, Results)
For Content
-Proof of attendees (Webinars)
-Link to the Video or Article