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How RoboPusher Pro Can Revolutionize Your Pasture Management

Managing a pasture can be challenging. You have to feed your cattle properly, monitor their health and milk production, and deal with various problems and risks. But what if there is a smart solution that can do all these tasks for you automatically and efficiently?

Meet RoboPusher Pro, the world’s first automatic visual navigation feed pushing robot from Sveaverken. RoboPusher Pro is a revolutionary device that can transform your pasture management with its advanced features and benefits.

What is RoboPusher Pro?

RoboPusher Pro is a smart robot that can feed your cows automatically and efficiently. It can:

  • Adjust its routes flexibly with visual navigation and smart obstacle avoidance. Unlike traditional robots that rely on magnetic nails, RoboPusher Pro can navigate by using advanced algorithms that identify obstacles and adjust routes accordingly. This saves you time and money on installation and maintenance.
  • Run for 22 hours with 2.5 hours of charging with its long battery life and fast charging. RoboPusher Pro uses a lithium iron phosphate battery that offers stable performance and a long service life. It can run nonstop across cowhouses, keeping your cows well-fed and happy.
  • Monitor the cowhouse conditions in real time with its visual navigation system. You can access the robot's operation status and cow feeding status on your smart phone, PC, or tablet anytime and anywhere. You can also get alerts and notifications when something needs your attention.
  • Push the feed at 18 m/min with its high-frequency feed pushing. RoboPusher Pro increases the feed intake substantially by pushing the feed every hour. The bidirectional roller ensures that the feed is pushed in the correct direction, maximizing the feed intake.
  • Reduce the risks of feed contamination and zoonosis transmission with its automatic operation. RoboPusher Pro operates without human intervention, which reduces the chances of spreading diseases or contaminating feed. It also returns to the charging station automatically when the power is low, so you don't have to worry about it.
  • Deploy the robot easily by using visual navigation and smart obstacle avoidance. You don't need to install any magnetic nails or wires in the feeding alley where the robot travels. You just need to set up the robot's route once and let it do its job.

How RoboPusher Pro Works in Practice?

RoboPusher Pro is not only a smart robot that can feed your cows automatically and efficiently. It is also part of a cloud-based system that can help you monitor and manage your cows' health and milk production in real time.

RoboPusher Pro has been successfully applied in several pastures in China, such as Shizuishan in Ningxia. The pasture has introduced a cloud-based system for raising cows, which integrates RoboPusher Pro with other smart devices such as ear tags, collars, and automatic milking stations.


(CCTV-2 Financial Channel News)

Every day, RoboPusher Pro feeds the cows smartly and efficiently by pushing the feed every hour.

These devices collect data on each cow's chewing, milk production, appetite, sleep, breathing frequency, steps, heart rate, body temperature and more. This data helps the pasture owners optimize their management and improve their productivity.

The pasture staff can use this data to check how the cows are doing and take care of them accordingly. For example, they can detect if a cow is in heat, sick or stressed, and provide timely treatment or intervention.

In the milking area, cows line up to go into the automatic milking station. During milking, data such as how much milk they give and how fast it flows are sent to the “smart pasture” breeding management system platform in real time. This allows the staff to monitor the milk quality and quantity of each cow and adjust their feeding and milking schedules accordingly.

Why You Should Choose RoboPusher Pro?

RoboPusher Pro is a smart solution for your pasture management. By choosing RoboPusher Pro, you can:

  • Save time and energy by letting the robot handle all the feeding tasks for you.
  • Increase feed intake and milk production by ensuring that your cows are well-fed and healthy.
  • Monitor the cowhouse conditions in real time by using the HD camera.
  • Reduce the risks of feed contamination and zoonosis transmission by using automatic operation.
  • Deploy the robot easily by using visual navigation and smart obstacle avoidance.

RoboPusher Pro is more than just a robot. It is a smart solution that can help you manage your pasture better. It can save you time, money and energy, while increasing your cows' health, welfare and milk production.

If you want to learn more about RoboPusher Pro or order one for your pasture, please contact us today. We will be happy to answer your questions and provide you with a free quote.

Don't miss this opportunity to upgrade your pasture management with RoboPusher Pro!

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