mai. 31, 2023 Tutoriais e guias Criação de animais Sveaverken Assortment for Grain Augers Sveaverken offers a variety of grain screws and augers for conveying in different sizes and capacities, with top structure, customization, and combination features.
mai. 25, 2023 Histórias de usuários Criação de animais Cattle Brush Enhanced Compass Ranch's Breeding Projects The cow brush improved the cows' welfare, promoting blood circulation, keeping their skin clean, and making them physically and mentally healthy. So, milk production has increased quickly, said the Ranch manager.
mai. 17, 2023 Tutoriais e guias Criação de animais All You Need to Know about Cattle Feeding Cattle feeding made easy: a guide for farmers and ranchers. Learn what nutrition your cattle need, what feed to provide them, and how to feed them effectively.
mai. 9, 2023 Tutoriais e guias Criação de animais The Best Choice of Robotic Feed Pusher for Small Dairy Barns Sveaverken RoboPusher Nimbo is a compact robotic feed pusher that fits in narrow feeding alleys with max. 18 m/min pushing speed. It is an ideal solution for small dairy barns that want to boost their productivity.
abr. 25, 2023 Tutoriais e guias Criação de animais Sveaverken Manure Scrapers - A Smart and Affordable Solution for Livestock Waste Management Keep your dairy farm clean and your cows healthy with Sveaverken manure scrapers. Learn about the advantages and order for effective livestock waste management.
abr. 17, 2023 Tutoriais e guias Criação de animais Boosting Feed Intake in Dairy Cows - Benefits and Tips Feed intake is one of the most important factors affecting dairy cow performance, health, and profitability. It determines the amount of nutrients available for milk production, body maintenance, and ...
mar. 30, 2023 Tutoriais e guias Criação de animais How RoboPusher Pro Can Revolutionize Your Pasture Management Managing a pasture can be challenging. But with visual navigation feed pushing robots, monitoring feed intake and cows' health becomes easy and efficient. See the practice reported by CCTV-2 Financial Channel News.
mar. 27, 2023 Histórias de usuários Criação de animais A escova de gado se tornou o brinquedo favorito dos rinocerontes brancos no zoológico da floresta de Nanjing Hongshan To promote animal welfare, Sveaverken sent grooming brush as a present to the white rhinos, and they are thoroughly enjoying it!
mar. 21, 2023 Tutoriais e guias Criação de animais Como navegar pela crise de energia com os produtos inovadores da Sveaverken Sveaverken offers a range of innovative products designed to help you reduce your electricity consumption, lower your energy bills, and contribute to a more sustainable future.
mar. 20, 2023 Produto e Inovação Criação de animais Tecnologia de Navegação Visual em Sistemas Automáticos de Alimentação Among the companies that apply visual navigation technology to their products, Sveaverken has successfully developed the world's first visual navigation feed pushing robot.
mar. 13, 2023 Histórias de usuários Criação de animais Robô de alimentação aumenta a produção de leite em 0,8 kg/animal/dia "The average daily yield has increased by 0.5-0.8 kg per cow, and the amount of leftover feed has been reduced from 2-8% to about 3%. This helps me monitor the cows’ feed ration more easily." - Qiu
mar. 6, 2023 Tutoriais e guias Criação de animais Por que você precisa de rastreamento bovino para gerenciamento da sua fazenda? If you are a rancher or a farmer who owns cattle, you know how challenging it can be to manage your herd. You have to keep track of their location, health, reproduction, and behavior.